Forgiving Yourself - Baggage Part 1If you live in the past, you cannot move forward. Sometimes we hold on to things we should throw away. If God inspected our lives he might find guilt, grudges, condemnation, addiction, mistakes, and failures. God doesn’t want you to live with that kind of baggage, Jesus came to give us a new beginning. In this series Pastor Alex shares how to let go of baggage, and let the past stay in the past.
Dealing with Haters - Baggage Part 2
God created all of us different, and cares deeply how we treat one another.
Dealing With Worry - Baggage Part 3
Worry is useless, you only worry about things you have no control over. You are not in control...you have no power over what happens tomorrow. Things are going to happen...God will get you through it.
Stop Worrying - Baggage Part 4
Worry is an attempt to control your destiny, but you don't have the power to add a single day to your life. Here's 3 secrets to stop worrying.
Pursuit of Happiness - Baggage Part 5Where does your significance, identity, and security come from? What brings you happiness? Some people chase material things to find happiness never realizing you can naturally find happiness through the pursuit of God.
Freedom From Debt - Baggage Part 6Debt has been marketed to us so agressively that people believe they will never finanacially "be somebody" unless they use debt to do it. The debtor is slave to the borrower. Bust free from debt.