Call of Duty: Spiritual Warfare
Satan: Spiritual Bully - Call of Duty Part 1The devil is a bully who tries to use fear to control you. Bullies hate it when people stand up to them. They don’t expect it, and it scares them. God gave you everything you need to stand up to the devil. When you stand your ground, the devil flees from you. Quote and description
Know Your Enemy - Call of Duty Part 2How does a small force defeat a powerful enemy? The devil can’t beat you in hand to hand combat so the battleground is your mind. Pastor Alex gives you 6 strategies to win those battles.
What is Truth - Call Of Duty Part 3Some people claim truth is relative. No sane person will say gravity works for you, but not for me. Then jump off a building...
Breastplate of Righteousness - Call of Duty Part 4A breastplate protects your most vital organs, including your heart. We wear the breastplate by regularly reminding ourselves who the Word of God says we are.
The Gospel Of Peace - Call of Duty Part 5Would you allow an enemy to take over a room in your house? All of the promises of God are yours, but without peace you can’t enjoy them. The Devil will try to occupy a room in your mind, steal your peace, and take it all away from you. Listen as Pastor Alex teaches about 4 types of peace, and how to live in God’s peace.
Shield of Faith - Call of Duty Part 6Everyone has faith. It’s a spiritual force that can take over a persons, mind, soul, and being. Faith is something we are born with, but we are limited by human faith. When you put your faith is God it manifests itself through confidence, courage, assurance, and trust.
The Helmet of Salvation - Call of Duty Part 7Life is full of spiritual attacks, and mostly they happen in your mind. The devil will attack your mind to create fear and doubt in your life. Listen as Pastor Alex teaches how the Helmet of Salvation is used to protect your mind.
Sword of the Spirit - Call of Duty Part 8Physical weapons won't win a spiritual war. Pastor Alex teaches how to use the Sword of the Spirit to battle the enemy.
Sword of the Spirit 2 - Call of Duty Part 9We can hear about the Sword of the Spirit and understand that it is the Word of God, yet we don’t understand it’s power. The entire universe, and everything in it, was created by the Word of God. God knew we would face spiritual battles and gave us the most powerful weapon in the universe. The enemy doesn’t stand a chance.