Heroes Part 10
"husbands, wives, if you have a crush on somebody else you need to share it with your spouse…now watch, as soon as you share with your spouse it will go away…when you expose it Satan cannot work in the light…"
Heroes Part 11
"Sometimes God gives you a great opportunity in life, but you're so timid you say "I don't need all that money." It's not that you don't need the money, you say that because your scared..."
"Sometimes God gives you a great opportunity in life, but you're so timid you say "I don't need all that money." It's not that you don't need the money, you say that because your scared..."
Heroes Part 12
"Satan likes to paralyze people by saying God will not forgive you, God wants nothing to do with you, God hates you..."
"Satan likes to paralyze people by saying God will not forgive you, God wants nothing to do with you, God hates you..."
Heroes Part 13
"If God had to wait to find non-dysfunctional people to use he would not use me and he would not use you..."
"If God had to wait to find non-dysfunctional people to use he would not use me and he would not use you..."
Heroes Part 14
“Jacob has the personality of a reported. Jacob does;t fight physically, but he will write a story about you that will destroy you…”
“Jacob has the personality of a reported. Jacob does;t fight physically, but he will write a story about you that will destroy you…”
Heroes Part 15
"The worst part of wrestling with God is He ALWAYS wins..."
"The worst part of wrestling with God is He ALWAYS wins..."