Temptation: Turning Stones into Bread- Tempted Part 1Did you know that even Jesus Himself was tempted? We will all be tempted at some point in life but the most important thing is how we will respond. We hope you enjoy this message by Pastor Alex Klimchuk of the lust of the flesh.
2 Corinthians 2:10-11 Matthew 3:13-17 Matthew 4:1-5 |
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Lust of the Eyes- Tempted Part 2What do you see that you desire. Temptation is a lie that sounds really good and we desire it. We hope you enjoy this message by Pastor Alex Klimchuk on the lust of the eyes.
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Temptation of Glory- Tempted Part 3When Jesus was tempted, how did Satan bring Jesus to Jerusalem? Was it a vision, was it physical, or was it a dream? We hope you enjoy this message by Pastor Alex Klimchuk on Jesus being tempted at the pinnacle of His fast.
Luke 4:9-14 Matthew 4:8-11 Psalm 106:14 Deuteronomy 6:16 John 14:30 Numbers 14:22 Acts 5:9 |
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How to Resit Temptation like Jesus- Tempted Part 4Can you tell when the devil is tempting you? One way to fight the devils temptation is by using the full Word of God. We hope you enjoy this sermon by Pastor Jon Sanders on submitting to God and how to resist temptation.
Matthew 4:1-11 James 4:7 Psalm 119:11 Luke 9:51 1 Corinthians 10:13 Hebrews 4:14-16 |
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To Suffer or Not to Suffer- Tempted part 5In life, how do you respond to suffering or testing? If you always want to escape suffering, you are only going to create more suffering. We hope this message by Pastor Alex Klimchuk blesses you on the greatest temptation of Jesus.
Matthew 16:21-25 Luke 6:47-49 John 16:33 James 1:2-4 |
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Human Nature Temptation - Tempted Part 6If Jesus would have disobeyed, where would we be? We often quit the hard things too fast; friendships, marriage, careers, but even Jesus asked for His cup to be taken from Him when the burden felt too heavy. We hope you enjoy this message by Pastor Alex Klimchuk where we see Jesus battling with his human nature to run away from pain.
Matthew 26:39 Matthew 26:36-46 Psalm 23:4 Hebrews 5:7-10 |
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Temptation to Go Viral - Tempted Part 7Do you seek instant status and fame? Jesus was also tempted with it but He chose God’s plan instead of following the crowd. In the message by Pastor Jon Sanders, he talks about the option of going viral or choosing God’s plan for your life.
John 6:14-15 Jeremiah 29:11 Isaiah 5:8-9 |
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Weapons that God Uses - Tempted Part 8As you grow, temptation grows with you. In this life you will have temptation so prepare as much as you can. We hope you enjoy this message by Pastor Alex Klimchuk on learning the patterns of temptation and preparing yourself for it. Can
Ezekiel 33:6 1 John 2:16 1 Peter 5:8 Luke 4:13 1 Corinthians 10:13 James 4:7 |
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