The Science of Happy - Part 1
“The biggest regrets we have in life are never about what. It’s never about a car, or shoes, or jewelry. It’s always about who…”
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The Science of Happy - Part 2
“…If your honest, the source of a lot of our pain comes from temporary happiness. God wants you to sacrifice temporary happiness for long lasting happiness…If you look in the mirror you see that many times we are the thief of our own happiness…we got a moment of pleasure and had to pay for it for a long time…Happiness is not a destination, happiness is the pursuit of something…happiness is the journey…”
The Science of Happy - Part 3
“Everyone loves themselves, but in many areas we don’t like ourselves…Happy people like themselves…In order to like yourself you have to look at yourself like God looks at you...”
The Science of Happy - Part 4
"I grew up in a very serious culture…it was frowned upon to smile…when you smiled people got suspicious…"
The Science of Happy - Part 5
"Negativity breeds negativity…you can’t overcome depression by digging into the root of the problem…the deep you dig the more negative you become..."
The Science of Happy - Part 6
"Truly happy people live the type of life where happiness and meaning overlap..."
The Science of Happy - Part 7
"We live in a selfish, consuming culture, where it’s all about me, where people don’t have enough room to store their stuff…eventually we begin to realize that stuff doesn’t make us happy."