Pursue Fruitfulnesses - Work Hard + Worship Hard=Fruitfulness Part 1What fruits has your faith in God produced in your life? I’m this introductory message to this series, Pastor Alex Klimchuk talks about being fruitful in every area of your life and worshiping God for it.
Genesis 1:28 Genesis 9:7 1 Corinthians 15:10 Matthew 7:16 Proverbs 12:24 Proverbs 14:23 |
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Fox Catchers- Work Hard + Play Hard = Fruitfulness Part 2How much better would your life be if you didn’t have negative thoughts? Learn how to recognize the bad thoughts and define them. Watch this message by Pastor Alex for the 5 steps to help you capture your thoughts.
Song of Solomon 2:15 Proverbs 23:7 2 Corinthians 10:5 Hebrews 4:12 John 17:3 |
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An Ordinary Hero A.K.A. Housewife of Kedesh - Work Hard + Worship Hard = Fruitfulnesses Part 3Can God trust you with a big assignment? Are we being obedient with the little that God has for us? Watch this message by Pastor Tanya Klimchuk on the Housewife of Kedesh.
Luke 16:10 Judges 4:17-23 |
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Parenting God's Way- Work Hard + Worship Hard = Fruitfulness Part 4Don't you wish children came with an instruction manual? Well, actually they do - The Bible! Watch Pastor Jon Sanders as he explains how to parent God's way. Learn what it means to be obedient, the difference between discipline and instruction, and why discipline is so important.
Ephesians 6:1-3 Psalm 127:3-5 Ephesians 6:4 Hebrews 12:5-6 Hebrews 12:11 Proverbs 19:18 Proverbs 22:15 Proverbs 13:24 Proverbs 29:15 Deuteronomy 6:4-7 |
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Why Worship Hard?- Work Hard + Worship Hard= Fruitfulness Part 5Why is it so hard to worship God? Are we too prideful? In this message from Pastor Alex Klimchuk, he talks about how pride and worship of self took away everything from Nebuchadnezzar.
Daniel 4:28-37 Isaiah 42:8 Proverbs 9:10 |
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Work Hard to Gain Wisdom- Work Hard + Worship Hard= Fruitfulnesses PART 6What do you ask God for? Do you pray for riches and fame? Or do you pray for wisdom? Watch this message by Pastor Alex Klimchuk on how to gain wisdom.
1 Kings 3:4-15 Proverbs 2:4 Proverbs 4:5-9 James 1:5-6 Proverbs 9:10 John 10:10 |
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The Hard Work of Marriage- Work Hard + Worship Hard = Fruitfulness Part 7How do you see your marriage? Do you see it as a holy covenant? What does the Bible say about marriage? Watch this message by Pastor Jon Sanders on the institution of marriage.
Marriage Matthew 19:4-6 Genesis 2:24 Genesis 3 Ephesians 5:22-30 |
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5 Biblical Truths About Work- Work Hard + Worship Hard = Fruitfulness PART 8Do you love your job? Is your work bringing glory to God? In this message Pastor Alex shares 5 Biblical truths about work.
1 Corinthians 10:31 2 Thessalonians 3:8-13 John 5:17 Colossians 3:23-24 Ephesians 5:1 Ephesians 4:28 Genesis 1:28 Isaiah 2:4 Mark 8:34-38 Ecclesiasticus 2:25 |
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Man’s Greatest Gift to the World - Work Hard + Worship Hard = Fruitfulness Part 9How are you teaching/training your children? Is it to be brought up in a loving and Godly environment? In this message Pastor Alex talks about how fatherhood can be one of a man’s greatest accomplishments. I hope you enjoy the message!
Genesis 18:17-19 Proverbs 22:6 Genesis 1:27-28 John 3:16 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 |
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Secrets To Rest - Work Hard+Worship Hard= Fruitfulness Part 10How do you function when you don’t rest properly? Satan works best when you’re stressed, God works best when you rest. In this message Pastor Alex talks about the 7 secrets of Rest.
Hebrews 4:6, 11 1 Corinthians 15:10 Matthew 11:28 |
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Celebrating Freedom- Work Hard + Worship Hard = Fruitfulness Part 11God’s intention for us to live in freedom. What happens when we compromise that freedom? In this message Pastor Jon Sanders talks about sin destroys freedom and how to live free.
Genesis 2:15-16 Genesis 2:17 2 Corinthians 3:17 Psalm 119:45 John 10:10 Genesis 3:1-5 2 Peter 2:19 John 1:29 Ephesians 1:7-8 Revelation 1:5-6 |
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